Bites & Business Groningen International

We are going to start an chapter for non-dutch speaking women in Groningen.

Interested? Read on.

Bites & Business Groningen International is the new network for entrepreneurial non-dutch speaking women in the city of Groningen. Of course, Dutch-speaking women are welcome too!

We organise networking dinners in which we will get to know each other, inspire each other and actively help each other further.

Are you an entrepreneur, starter, or happily employed and looking for new connections? Then you are cordially invited to our networking events.

The locally organized networking evenings of Bites & Business are accessible, informal, business-oriented and inspiring. There is never a speaker or theme, as entrepreneurial women have plenty to talk about themselves. Participants of Bites & Business events can therefore meet new people, gain inspiration, and help each other using the envelope method™ during a delightful 2-course dinner or lunch in their own city. Each local B&B network has two coordinators who organize the networking evenings or lunches.

Interested in becoming one of the coordinators?
You will plan, organise, promote and host the events, approx. 6 per year.

Bites & Business is an (light) franchise formula including financial compensation for the coordinators.

Please contact Marijke Krabbenbos, the founder.


We hope to see you soon!

Wanna be invited?


Calendar of events